Business Coaching


Indeso provides a startup business coaching program on how to establish and grow a business.

Ten 60-minute individual sessions make up the coaching program.

The program will not only offer beneficial knowledge but also a methodical approach and targeted tasks to assist you in reaching your business goals.

After finishing the course, you will undoubtedly know how to launch and grow the business of your dreams, draw in customers, and obtain a fair price for your services. You will discover how to allocate and manage your time effectively, package and market your product to attract customers, and create realistic goals.

It’s time to get going!

Book a consultation

Services include

Defining goals and objectives

Coaching session

  • Development of ideas
  • Development of an action strategy
  • Motivation and support
  • Discussion of actions and results

Summary of the business launch

Program content

First week. How to identify the perfect business idea

Agenda: Which business idea will make you successful?

Outcome: A business idea that satisfies market demands, aligns with your personality, and shows your values and abilities.

Second week. How strong is the competition?

Agenda: How big is the market? Who are your competitors and what are their strengths? What market share can you take?

Outcome: A brief market research, an outline of your primary competitors, and what sets you apart.

Third week. Business exists where customers are

Agenda: Who is your target audience, where to find them, and why they will like you?

Outcome: The target audience and its needs (who will buy the product and why). A clear understanding of how your business idea will help the target audience.

Fourth week. Your product and its value

Agenda: How to turn a business idea into a product? Why customers will buy your product?

Outcome: A unique proposition based on an analysis of the target market and competitors. Products for easy entrance and repeat purchases.

Fifth week. Business model and sales strategy

Agenda: What exactly will bring you income and how?

Outcome: A business model showing what, to whom, and how to sell and how profitable it is. A sales strategy indicating promotion channels and necessary resources.  

Sixth week. Pricing

Agenda: Low or high prices? How to choose?

Outcome: A suitable policy for product pricing. Prices for the products.

Seventh week. Brand and marketing

What’s on the agenda: Your unique brand and the characteristics that support it. How to develop a detailed sales plan and create a unique offer that your customers will buy?

Outcome:  Personal brand, a detailed sales plan, and a content plan.

Eighth week. Financial plan

Agenda: How the project budget is calculated? What expenses are necessary for the project, and when will they be paid back?

Outcome: A project budget and financial plan and the payback period for investments.

Ninth week. Action plan

Agenda: How to properly set goals to succeed? What procedures must be set up and what actions must be taken? How to effectively manage your time to accomplish your goals.

Outcome: A strategy for creating a business, indicating the timelines for completing each task.

Tenth week. Psychology of money

Agenda:  Your attitude towards money and success. How to overcome internal limitations?

Outcome: Inner potential is unveiled and limiting beliefs are transformed.


You will develop a step-by-step strategy for launching your business

You will know how to attract clients and make sales

You will bring your idea to life

You will believe in yourself

Who we serve


Beginning entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs looking to grow


Launch of Yoga Voice Studio
Launch of an Interior Design Studio
Launch of a Consulting Business
Launch of a coaching business
Launch of an Architectural Business
Launch of a Furniture Business
Launch of a Decorative Products Store
Launch of a Beauty Salon
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