Business in the United States

Tap into a market with 300 million active buyers waiting to discover your offerings!

Entering and doing business in the United States involves a comprehensive strategy and adherence to legal and business protocols. Here are the steps to successfully enter the U.S. market:

  1. Understanding the U.S. Market:
    • Diverse Consumer Base: Recognize the diversity of the U.S. population, both in terms of demographics and cultural preferences. Consider regional variations in language and preferences within the U.S.
    • Understanding the Market: Analise the specific characteristics and nuances of the US market. This includes consumer behavior, market trends, and the competitive landscape.
    • Target Market Identification: Identify and define your ideal target customer in the U.S. This involves segmenting the market and understanding who will benefit most from your services.
    • Value Proposition Refinement: Refine your value proposition for the U.S. market. It’s crucial to communicate how your services meet the unique needs and expectations of US-based clients.
    • GTM Sales Process: Develop a GTM Sales Process tailored to the US market. This could include digital marketing, networking strategies, and leveraging LinkedIn business connections.
    • Localizing Marketing: Tailor your marketing messages to resonate with specific target audiences. Be sensitive to cultural nuances and avoid messaging that could be perceived as insensitive.
  2. Legal and Regulatory Compliance:
    • FDA Compliance: If dealing with food, pharmaceuticals, or medical devices, comply with regulations from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
    • Product Safety Standards: Ensure products meet U.S. safety standards set by organizations like the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
  3. E-commerce and Online Presence:
    • Mobile-Friendly Website: Optimize your website for mobile devices, as a significant portion of U.S. consumers shop online using smartphones.
    • SEO and Digital Marketing: Invest in search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing to enhance online visibility.
  4. Distribution Channels:
    • Leverage E-commerce Platforms: Consider partnering with established e-commerce platforms, such as Amazon and eBay.
    • Retail Partnerships: Explore partnerships with retail chains or distributors to expand your reach.
  5. Logistics and Shipping:
    • Fast Shipping Options: Offer fast and reliable shipping options to meet the expectations of U.S. consumers accustomed to quick deliveries.
    • Free Shipping: Consider offering free shipping, as it is a popular incentive for online shoppers.
  6. Customer Service:
    • 24/7 Support: Provide 24/7 customer support or clearly communicate business hours for timely assistance.
    • User-Friendly Returns: Offer hassle-free return policies to enhance customer satisfaction.
  7. Payment and Currency:
    • Multiple Payment Options: Accept a variety of payment methods, including credit cards, digital wallets, and other popular options.
    • Pricing in USD: Display prices in U.S. dollars to simplify transactions for customers.
  8. Marketing and Advertising:
    • Social Media Advertising: Leverage social media advertising platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to reach a broad audience.
    • Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with influencers who have a significant following among your target demographic.
  9. Quality Assurance:
    • Quality Control: Maintain strict quality control measures to ensure products meet or exceed U.S. quality standards.
    • Compliance Certifications: Obtain certifications that demonstrate adherence to industry standards.
  10. Brand Positioning:
    • Brand Consistency: Ensure consistent branding across all channels to build a recognizable and trustworthy brand.
    • USP Communication: Clearly communicate your unique selling proposition (USP) to distinguish your brand in the market.
  11. Customer Feedback and Improvement:
    • Feedback Mechanisms: Implement systems for collecting and analyzing customer feedback to drive continuous improvement.
    • Agile Development: If applicable, adopt agile development practices for product improvement cycles.

By tailoring your approach to these specific considerations, you can enhance your chances of success in the unique and competitive landscape of the U.S. market. Understanding and adapting to the preferences and expectations of U.S. consumers is key to building a strong presence and achieving sustainable growth.

Reach out to us, and we will:

  • Undertake market research on the business climate, customer behavior, market trends, and other factors that are important for the success of your business in the U.S.
  • Create a business plan for your establishment in the U.S.
  • Develop a market entry strategy for the U.S. 

General information

Capital: Washington, DC

Population: 316 million

Major language: English

Main religion: Christianity

Currency: US Dollar (USD)

Economy of the US

GDP per capita: $56,300

Economic growth: 2,6%

Unemployment: 3.5%

Inflation: 8.3%

FDI Inflow: $506 billion

Business in the US

Popular type of legal entity: Limited Liability Company (LLC), Corporation

Minimum number of shareholders: 1

Terms of company registration: 1 week

Minimum share capital: US$ 1

Restrictions for foreigners to start a business: No

A local director required: No

Corporate tax: 0% for LLCs, 15-40% for corporations

VAT: tax rates vary by state, ranging from 2.9 to 7.25 % at the state level

Benefits and challenges

Benefits: access to the world’s largest economy, various business incentives, developed infrastructure, stable political and economic environments

Challenges: a complex system of municipal, state, and federal taxes, high competition, strict employee-related regulations, capital control

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