Бизнес Тест

Belgium is a highly developed country in Western Europe with a small but open economy and a strong service sector. Its strategic location at the crossroads of Europe makes it an important hub for trade and transportation. The country has a highly skilled and multilingual workforce and is known for its expertise in sectors such as chemicals, food and beverages, and advanced manufacturing. Despite its small size, Belgium is home to several multinational companies and has a highly competitive business environment. The government offers various incentives and support programs for entrepreneurs, making it an attractive destination for foreign investment.
Reach out to us, and we will:
- conduct market research on the business climate, customer behavior, market trends, and other factors that are important for the success of your business in Belgium
- create a business plan for your establishment in Bulgaria
- develop a market entry strategy for Bulgaria
General information
Capital: іларіаріовраіоа
Population: фцвоіфвобіфврфі
Official language: Bulgarian
Main religion: Christianity
Currency: Bulgarian Lev (BGN)
Time zone: UTC+2
Economy of Bulgaria
GDP per capita: $12,221
Economic growth: 3.9%
Unemployment: 5.42%
Inflation: 13%
FDI Inflow: $2.12 billion
Business in Bulgaria
Popular type of legal entity: Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Minimum number of shareholders: 1
Terms of company registration: 1 week
Minimum share capital: $1
Restrictions for foreigners to start a business: No
A local director required: No. However, a legal representative must be appointed who is either a Bulgarian citizen or a foreigner with permanent residency in the country
Corporate tax: 10%
VAT: 20%, with reduced rates of 9% and 5% for certain goods and services
Benefits and challenges
Benefits: strategic location, favorable tax regime, growing economy, low labor costs, and access to EU markets
Challenges: corruption, bureaucracy, insufficient legal protection, skilled labor shortage, and language barriers